A Victorian ebony gavel with turned handle and ball mallet, mounted with silver presentational panel to G Bennett by the Blackley Gospel Mission dated 1897. (7.5in)
Estimate: £30 - £40
A Victorian walnut davenport inlaid with satinwood banding, the desk with tooled leather skiver to sloping lid enclosing an interior with two small drawers, the cabinet with four knobbed drawers opposing dummy drawers, with applied turned columns to front, raised on castors. (21.25in x 21.5in x 32.5in)
Estimate: £80 - £120
An Edwardian mahogany bijouterie table, the inlaid scrolled decoration enhanced with penwork, the shaped hinged lid with brass working lock enclosing a glazed velvet lined compartment, raised on tapering boxwood strung legs joined by conforming shaped platform stretcher. (21.5in x 18in x 29.75in)
Estimate: £100 - £150
An American mahogany longcase clock by Sligh of Michigan, the arched hood applied with carved shell above a bevelled glazed door enclosing a brass dial with moonphase and calander secondary dials framed by foliate scrolled spandrels, the movement playing three chimes above three brass weights and pendulum, the door flanked by fluted turned columns. (78.5in)
Estimate: £100 - £150
A large pine wardrobe with moulded cornice above three arched doors - the central one with bevelled mirror, above a base with four short and two long drawers, raised on moulded plinth. (79in x 23.25in x 83in)
Estimate: £150 - £250
An oak refectory table by Kent of Yorkshire with cleated dowel jointed four-plank top on baluster turned column supports with sledge feet joined by rectangular chamfered stretcher - receipt for £855 available, described as a monastery table. (87in x 35.5in x 29.75in)
Estimate: £200 - £300
A leather cased Edwardian four-drawer telescope by BC & Co Ltd, the military instrument with regt marks & numbers. (30in extended)
Estimate: £40 - £60
A mahogany cabinet with crossbanded moulded top above a central section of open adjustable scalloped shelves, flanked by crossbanded cupboards with further adjustable shelving, raised on moulded plinth. (60in x 11in x 38in)
Estimate: £80 - £120
A Whytock & Reid serpentine fronted side table, the moulded top above two frieze drawers mounted with brass rosette handles, raised on tapering legs with scroll carved feet. (44in x 20.25in x 30.25in)
Estimate: £100 - £150
LOT 10
A May Fair teak garden table & chair set, the folding chairs with slatted backs and seats, the rectangular table with hole for sunshade, having three-panel slatted top on sabre legs. (6)
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 11
A large Mexican terracotta vase with incised sgraffito decoration, having stylised figural frieze framed by fluted bands, the shoulders with pointed handles beneath a waisted neck - used as an umbrella/stick stand. (23.5in)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 12
Four pair of brass candlesticks - Victorian baluster with rectangular bases, leaf cast by Benetfink & Co of London, nineteenth century with circular bases, and Victorian with square canted bases. (4)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 13
A Victorian mahogany armchair with button upholstered back in moulded frame, the arms with padded elbow rests on scrolled supports, the sprung seat on turned legs with brass Cope cappings & castors.
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 14
An Edwardian mahogany dressing table inlaid with chequered banding, the arched bevelled mirror above a platform with two small drawers, the chest with rectangular moulded top above two short and two long drawers, raised on square tapering legs with castors. (42in x 19.25in x 63in)
Estimate: £60 - £80
LOT 15
A Georgian mahogany boxwood strung corner washstand, the bowfronted top with arched back above a plain frieze, having platform below with central small drawer flanked by dummy drawers, the square splayed legs joined by shaped platform stretcher. (23.5in x 16.25in x 42.5in)
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 16
A museum style display cabinet with angled hinged glazed lid above three long drawers mounted with label holders. (49.5in x 31.5in x 21.25in)
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 17
Oil on board, bust study of an eastern gentleman wearing turban, unsigned & framed. (7.75in x 9.75in)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 18
A Victorian oak clerks desk with brass mounts, having zinc lined interior. (24in x 22.75in x 18in)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 19
An old CWS twin handled milk churn, with later painted decoration - 28.75in; and another aluminium milk container with recessed lid and swing handle - 17.75in. (2)
Estimate: £15 - £20
LOT 20
Professor Brian Edwards, pen & ink and watercolour, study of Dirleton Castle, signed and dated, laid down & framed. (11.5 x 16in)
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 21
A circular garden table and two chairs, the table with scrolled wrought ironwork to apron raised on four legs, the folding chairs with matching scrolled decoration to backs above panelled seats. (3)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 22
A country ladderback armchair with shaped rails and platform arms above a rush seat, raised on turned legs & stretchers.
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 23
A nineteenth century oak cupboard with later alterations, the panelled doors in ribbed frames enclosing shelf, the sides also panelled. (45.5in x 15.25in x 39.5in)
Estimate: £40 - £60
LOT 24
An art nouveau oak armchair, stamped to rail GV 1906, the back rail carved with twin cloverleaf style roundels above pierce slats, the shaped platform arms above an upholstered seat, raised on square tapering legs joined by rectangular stretchers.
Estimate: £60 - £80
LOT 25
A Hardy three-piece DeLuxe Graphite 15ft 4in salmon fly rod, complete with cloth sleeve and rod tube - looks unused.
Estimate: £60 - £80